Malcolm Campbell Moran 

Currach Series - Part I






Currach Series - Part 1

My interest in the Irish Currach came about in 2017 while on a one month residency at the Cill Railaig Foundation on the western coast of Ireland. A Currach was stored behind my studio which was situated on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic. These small and sturdy hand made utility boats have plowed the waters of Ireland Since 300 AD. 

According to Irish folklore, St Colomb, my namesake, settled Ireland by sailing one of these tiny boats from Iona in Scotland to the shores of Ireland. These tiny vessels symbolize the sturdy and persistent character of the Irish people one of which was my father’s grandfather.

Titles and sizes will follow. The numbers and letters below each work is as follows

A - Available as a gift

S - Sold and not in my possession

E - Available for an exhibit and sale